Minggu, 21 Desember 2008
The Essential Guide to Adjusting Your Car Headrest
Whiplash is a common injury sustained when a car is shunted from behind, often when it is stationary at a junction. The vehicle behind impacts with the car in front. Whilst the trunk of the body is connected to the car as it is pressed against the seat, the head and neck are normally not touching the seat. As the car and body move forward with the impact, the head and neck stay in the same position as they have not yet felt the force of the impact. If the headrest is in the wrong position, whilst the rest of the body and trunk is moving forward the neck now gets thrown over the back of the chair and headrest and "whip-lash" snapped back up and forwards.
Now the neck is moving forwards, the seatbelt has done its work and is now bringing the body back into the seat. Unfortunately, this means that there is a second snapping period, when the body has gone right back into the seat and the neck now whips forward into its over extended state, snapping back when it hits the chest..
That is twice now that your poor neck has been damaged, so I hope that you are now convinced it is worth taking just a few minutes to adjust your headrest correctly before each and every journey (when moving between vehicles).
It is this over extension and over flexion that stretches the neck muscles way beyond their normal comfort zone causing them to sustain often long term and permanent damage. Sleepless nights of discomfort are often guaranteed!
So How Should You Correctly Adjust Your Headrest?
Most car headrests are set too low, and can actually cause increased whiplash pain as the neck will snap back over them in the event of a rear end collision.
The Rule Of Thumb!
The rule of thumb is that the top of the headrest should be level with your eyes. If you position your headrest with the top of the eyes you will have a good chance that if you are hit from behind, you will limit the impact of the whiplash injury. Maybe the months of sleepless nights will only be a few days. Pain well saved!
Featured Links:
+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
+ Malaysia Real Estate Blog
+ GeekMalaya - Malaysia Computer and Technology Blog
Nicholas Jervis is a personal injury solicitor (non-practising) and a director of 1stClaims.co.uk, a claims company which connects innocent personal injury and medical negligence victims with expert personal injury and medical negligence solicitors at no cost to the individual. Read more about Conditional Fee Agreements
Rabu, 17 Desember 2008
2008 Latest Edition - Did You Know 3.0 - From Meeting in Rome this Year
Ready to blow your mind?
This video is awesome. Who says the machines won't take over the world?
This is a really cool video full of all sorts of interesting facts that may just blow your mind away about what the future holds. There will be so much, much more, and it will all be different. Although based on statistics to form predictions, stats have long been used for this and is used in business all the time. Sure there may be a little give here and there, but even then the message is still astounding.
Jumat, 21 November 2008
Beware of the Doghouse- Hilarious!
This is a great video, and comes to rescue us men just in time for the holidays... avoid the dog house at all costs! But check out this video!
Senin, 10 November 2008
What Syd's Eastside Dugg
If you are writing articles to promote your business, create awareness for your cause or to establish your own professional expertise, you will probably want to add Digg to your publishing resource toolbox.
Even if you are not an article writer, Digg.com seems to have caught on because it allows users to list, promote & view each others news, images & videos found anywhere on the net. So it would also come in handy for photographers, graphic artists, videographers and podcasters, as well.
And being able to recommend not only your own works, but the stuff on the internet that you find and want to share with your friends is really what social networks are all about, anyway. And because of its broad range of coverage, Digg is easily a great tool that is intertwined as a news, photo, art and video promotion service by the online community as a whole.
See what Syd's Eastside has Dugg on Digg:
Our Page on SearchWarp
SearchWarp is also a great place to use for article distribution. But please note that we don't simply write an article and upload it for redistribution on other websites, we usually hold onto them for a period of time before we allow them to be redistributed, thus establishing that our website is the original source for such duplicated content.
Our own article directory can be found in our own Syd's Eastside Auto Parts website Articles section. By keeping an archive of our articles here for some time before redistribution, Googlebot will have scanned our website articles and had any particular article available through search long before it shows up on any article site. This can usually be verified by using the WayBackMachine.
Finally, after a period of time on our own website, we may release any articles we have written through article directories such as SearchWarp.
SearchWarp is a unique website though, because it is more than an article directory. It is also a writer community and offers assistance to those who want to learn how to write, or to learn how to write better. This is why SearchWarp is also identified, to me, as a social networking site, because of the existing community and the effects a membership can have on that community. Plus little contests are run for writing articles on certain subjects as are appropriate and relevant to the time.
Our Page on SearchWarp:
Squidoo offers great Social Networking Site Integration and Easy Article (Lens) Publishing.
Squidoo offers a great place for those who are interested in articles on any particular subject. Squidoo actually refers to each article as a lens, and their writers as lensmasters. They claim they are doing it just to be difficult, but I gather it has something to do with good old fashioned marketing. It is interesting, though, how they are a popular social networking site without relying so heavily on generic keywords.
Although I found the article editor hard to use because of the lack of good instruction while using it the first time, after posting the lens (article) I easily was able to realize my first time mistakes and will probably get it right the next time. However, if you are using Squidoo to distribute previously written articles, it seems that it might be a little harder to use as simply another distribution outlet because you shouldn't simply copy the article and paste it in as on most article distribution websites such as one of our favorites, SearchWarp.
Our Page on Squidoo:
Sabtu, 08 November 2008
On Facebook
Facebook is actually quite a lot more interesting than I thought it was. It also can act like a homepage for the not-so-geeky oriented who like an easy way to setup a homepage, much like Blogster or CarSpace, but it goes yet further by incorporating many of your other social networking services, too. Its easy to setup groups, as well. It's also easy to upload & share photos and video. Your default public profile page acts as a "wall" that you write on and you can easily communicate with your friends this way.
I suppose some may say that I had cheated, as I had put-up a profile to represent and promote my employer. The name RorK Feimer I used is actually derived from the owners of Syd's Eastside Auto Salvage, Ron & Kathy Feimer. And this may be so, but you have to remember that I am employed to promote the Syd's Eastside Auto Parts website, and not to promote my own websites and business interests. In the same manner, I still want a profile on Facebook that reflects me and my own interests, both personal and business related. On top of that, the business and my opinion may differ on a variety of things.
That said, if I am cheating, so are a great deal of other businesses which are doing the same thing on Facebook. All we are looking for is a profile that we can promote as an employee, while maintaing a separate personal profile for ourselves outside of work.
So, I'm actually not worried about it. Heck, this blog entry will appear on Facebook, anyway. Because Facebook is configured to post my blog entries that I post here on that site, as well. So by adding blog entries here, I am also updating Facebook.
Facebook also supports a variety of other social networking websites. Twitter is one, Digg is another. As these services are updated, so is Facebook.
The Syd's Eastside Auto Parts Page on Facebook:
Twitter is a microblogging system where users can give shout-outs in 140 character chunks. Although I would honestly recommend allowing up to 255 per post myself (and am often ticked off that it isn't), it is an interesting concept that allows some interactivity between friends. Plus, there are a variety of tools for it that I haven't even explored, yet.
Despite its micro limited posting format, Twitter seems to be not only a decent way to communicate, but also to promote your business, your websites, your blog, your portfolio, your groups and even your causes.
In the long run, Twitter works. But I do think 140 characters is too tightly wound and someone else will probably come along and offer the same idea with a more generous 255 character limit. Perhaps someone already does, and I am yet to find it.
But Twitter has also embedded itself into the social networking scene because a few of the social websites actually display your latest Twitter posts within your public profile page (once you have set it up with your username on Twitter). The result is that by using this one service, you could potentially update several other websites, including your own.
Our Page On Twitter:
Edmund's CarSpace
Edmunds sponsors a great automotive community website. Both individuals and businesses are welcome to sign-up for free. Each account has a blog available and automotive community groups are easy to start.
Sure, CarSpace is a way to get you into the Edmunds branded websites and further promote their brand. But if you look around their really isn't anything like this for the automotive community that I have found. There really aren't too many niche sites available that are dedicated to the automotive industries for automotive businesses, car clubs, or racing & auto enthusiasts.
I am just starting at CarSpace, but I'm not going to be giving up our blog here and shifting over to their blog, either. For now that will just compliment this one. So for now I'll kind of post there as I discover the website and figure out how we might best make use of its services. Because there is a whole community of like-minded people and a ready established market there to tap into if you know how to do it. Perhaps Syd's Eastside will eventually take that page over if it becomes important for us.
My Page at CarSpace:
One of the first social networking sites I signed-up a very long time ago was del.icio.us, a worldwide web bookmark (or shortcut) sharing site. Here I have been trying to keep track of all of our own websites, their pages and our pages on other sites that we belong to, though I now see that I have to update it quite a bit with these new listings for the social networking websites I have been joining.
Google also offers a bookmarking service, so that you can access your bookmarks anywhere. But Delicious goes a little further by allowing you to share your bookmarks with the rest of the world.
This is service is actually a fantastic idea and I think it will go far in the future as it has all sorts of possibilities for expansion. Some are already copying the idea (and even the format).
Social Networking Resources
However, I have actually been working on this post for quite a few days, already. There are so many social net websites out there that I was trying to include in this one post that I realized that the only way around this was to split this blog entry into a bunch of little posts that will tell a bit about each site. That way, I don't have to have every single social website pegged in one big post.
Heck, there are still a bunch of these social networking groups out there that I want to check out. Some of these actually have optional tools developed specifically for them, so there are actually little cottage support resource sites for some, built to support them, allowing extra plug-ins or software tools to make them more convenient to use.
What, you may ask, does this have to do with the automotive industry? Well, the truth is that these are often great places for auto enthusiasts, car clubs, as well as neat places to promote auto shops or trade parts. Most allow easy setup, and may support blogging. Some even offer a great place to post news and articles and would be a great way to distribute them to an already large pool of social networking users. Others offer a great place to promote your (auto related) website by allowing the sharing and promotion of bookmarks. Users of these sites that are logged in can sometimes also vote on the materials of the resource(s) in question, making them even more popular or notorious.
One of the very first new trends was the blog and some of these services even allow you to incorporate your current blog.
Remember that as the trends move in the online industry, the automotive industry must adapt, adopt them, and move with them in order to maintain a high profile to the masses or regions that they are targetting as customers and clientel.
So, eat this stuff up guys, because social networking websites utilities, and software applications are not only fun to participate in, but actually strengthen the market and provide new interest.
To most this will be understood, others will have to check it out. But as a webmaster I understand that the security of a managed and constantly updated network is much better than the vulnerability of an open source software based website that is usually chock full of security holes.
And if the security is not an issue, there are other things that should be, like the fact that these social sites already have an established user base, like the fact that your firends and community are probably already online using them.
If nothing else, these are great opportunities to promote your existing website. Yet, they really are so much more.
Anyway, in order to share this information as quickly as possible, I will be spotlighting these social networking websites and tools. Each site or resource will be discussed individually, showcased in their own blog entry. This will also allow me to update them individually, should I need to. And I will always identify each service by through our membership so that you can join us and have a friend on the site.
Look for a bunch of blog entries to follow very shortly.
-Syd's Eastside Auto Parts webmaster
New Used Equipment Section now Online at Diesel Rebuild Parts
If you are interested in any of the heavy equipment, utility trucks or construction vehicles there, we would be glad to help you out with it. Just click on a photo (that isn't marked as sold) in the main Equipment Catalog Index page and you will be presented with more photos and info concerning that item. Our contact information follows the detail page description.
Let me know if you see any spelling errors, or anything that looks strange. I did address a few problems before making that whole section public. But as you know, I'm not perfect.
This section actually comes from a corresponding section on the Syd's Eastside Auto Parts website. We thought that since establishing the Diesel Rebuild Parts website back in June of 2007, that we should move this section to that website where the information is more on-topic and relevant to the website content material, since it is already geared at supporting equipment and truck overhauls.
So, now that this has finally been accomplished, I can go back to promoting our websites as my primary webmaster duty for a little bit (until the next big website project comes along).
Used Equipment For Sale Catalog Index
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008
SydsEastside Now Sharing Photos at flickr.com/motorcars/
Since the practice of showing off our used cars and trucks catalog online requires that we take some photographs of the vehicles, we have decided that instead of Copyrighting these photos and then keeping them all to ourselves, we will share them with the world. At first we were looking for our own web application to do this from one of our own websites, but preliminary trials on some of the applications available showed that most of the freeware and registered shareware open source software applications that are supposed to perform these duties are purely incapable of doing so. Almost every application we installed failed miserably (even the registered shareware we paid for a license for).
In our hunt for a manageable online photo album application, we found flickr.com, and so far it is offering us the most reliability. However, we are continuing to investigate other possible web application solutions that we can host ourselves so that we can utilize our photography to more fully promote our brands.
Although we are currently only just getting started at flickr, which is currently a Yahoo! property, I think I was able to upload a nice little assortment of cars that we have had listed for sale in our Used Autos: Cars & Trucks For Sale section of the website.
While we are still looking for a more configurable solution that we can control more fully as a web application on one of our online properties, it certainly is good to have this option available from flickr. Unfortunately, flickr.com also stifles its user creativity by limiting its membership to only 3 sets (albums) of photos each. This drastically limits the free membership's ability to categorize photos accurately. I suppose they have to do something to get members to the paid membership program, though.
I'm not sure if it will work here, but one nice feature of flickr is the ability to easily create a slideshow of your photos that you can share from your other websites. Let's see if Google will support it...
It appears to work, although I am seeing an error from the Adobe FlashPlayer 9. Perhaps there is some incompatibility issues here on the Blogger pages? For now, I'll just leave it up. If anyone has a fix for this, be sure to let me know, I would appreciate it. If the error gets too anoying I'll just put it on some other page and point a link on the blog to where I put it. ;)
-Syd's Eastside
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
How to Clean Your ABS Wheel Sensor

Does your ABS light come on consistently and you do not know what is wrong! Well, when you check your code, you may see that it says that your front wheel sensor is damaged. However, that is not always the case. A lot of times, your ABS wheel sensor is just fine; they just need to be cleaned. Of course, if you take it to a shop, they are going to tell you that you need a new one. So we are going to go over how you can clean your own ABS wheel sensor in your Toyota and save yourself a lot of money. After you clean it, if you are still having the problem, you will need a new one. However, most people have noted that nine times out of ten, this does indeed fix their problem.
First of all, before you get started, you are going to want to make sure you have everything that you need to perform the job. The only things that you are really going to need are a ratchet, jack, wheel lock and, of course, a rag or paper towel to clean it off with. After you have all of this stuff, you can feel free to get started. This should only take you an hour or two to do yourself......
Getting Started On Your Wheel Sensor
First, you have to choose which side you want to get started on. You can choose either the passenger side or the driver side; it does not really matter. However, whichever side you do choose, that is the side that you, of course, need to jack up first. Before you jack up the car, you need to turn the steering wheel to the opposite side that you are working on. For example, if you are working on the driver side, then you are going to want to turn the wheel to the passenger side. Also, when you get it jacked up. You should use a jack stand, not just the jack. You never know how long you will need to have this car jacked up, so you will want the jack stand.
After you turn the wheel and get everything all set up, you will notice that you should be able to locate the ABS wheel sensor very easily. It should be located directly mounted to the knuckle. To take this off, you are going to have to remove the two bolts that are holding them in place. In most Toyota cars, they are 10mm bolts. However, some of them can change from time to time. Overall, there will be about four bolts you have to take out. To do this, just follow the ABS sensor around so that you can remove all of the bolts. When you get the sensor off, you will notice that it is all covered in dirt. Take your rag or paper towel, and start whipping it off. As you do, you will notice that the very middle of it has a sliver strip that you could not see before. A lot of times, dirt blocks this and can cause problems, as you found out. After cleaning it, simply reverse the steps you did to reinstall it. Also, be sure to check both of the front ABS sensors. The one on both sides of the car!
Still Having Problems
Most of the time the procedure discussed above will fix any problem that you are having with your ABS sensor. If you have cleaned both of the front sensors and there are still problems, then you do have a damaged ABS sensor. At this point, you need to get new ones and replace them. If you want, you will be able to install them the same way you cleaned the other ones. However, instead of cleaning the old ones and putting them back on, you can simply put on the new ones. Overall, this is a one day job that can save you a ton of money. Most people do not notice how much money that they can save by doing this themselves until they actually do it!
Featured Links:
+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
+ Malaysia Real Estate Blog
+ GeekMalaya - Malaysia Computer and Technology Blog
Mantius Cazaubon is a successful author and publisher of Toyota Parts Buyers Guide, A resource which includes information on Discount Auto Parts and DIY Auto Repair
Bumper Repair is Easy!

Why are you putting off auto body repairs on your vehicle? You really don't have to since auto body repairs can be affordable and time efficient. One repair that is easily completed on your vehicle is bumper repair. Bumper repair is an easy repair and will not cost you too much out of your wallet. Many car owners don't realize that bumpers can even be repaired; they think that damaged bumper must be replaced. However, that is not true and bumper repair is easy!
If your vehicle bumper is damaged, you really need to get it repaired. First of all, I am sure that it doesn't look to great on your vehicle. It will be hurting the appearance of your vehicle and also decreasing the resale value of your vehicle at the same time. Also your bumpers job is to protect your vehicle from damage and you and your passengers from injury. If your bumper is damaged it is weak and will most likely not be able to do its job as well.
The reason many car owners don't know that bumper repair can be completed is because bumper could not always be repaired. Bumpers used to be made of metal which is not easy to repair. However bumpers are now covered with a plastic material in hopes that if there is any minor damage to the bumper it can be easily repaired. This saves car owners a lot of money versus getting bumpers replaced.
There are a lot of bumper damages because many people feel it is ok to love tap your vehicle while parking. Most accidents in occur in parking lots or parking garages, which leads to the rear and front bumper being affected the most. This is usually minor damage that can be repaired.
So, if you need bumper repair you can get it completed at most auto reconditioning shops. Auto reconditioning shops usually offer a variety of services to get your vehicle looking great. You will want to check around before choosing which auto body shop is best for your vehicle and your wallet. Most repairs can be completed in a short time, which means you will not need to get a rental car, which therefore means you will save more money. Some shops will also offer mobile repair for bumper repair. They will come to you wherever you need them to whether it is work, home, the gym or anywhere else which can really save you some time! Which is a value thing to all of us.
You should also know that getting your bumper repaired can help you do your part in taking care of your environment. By getting your bumper repaired you are saving waste from going to the landfills and polluting our environment. It is all part of the go green act!
So stop putting of bumper repair for your vehicle. Bumper repair is affordable, fast and will get your vehicle looking good. Find an auto reconditioning shop to complete bumper repair on your vehicle; bumper repair is easy!
Featured Links:
+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
+ Malaysia Real Estate Blog
+ GeekMalaya - Malaysia Computer and Technology Blog
If your car is in need of auto reconditioning start looking for a qualified professional to handle your concerns. Look for an auto body professional to take care of your ride from bumper repairs to fixing the major auto body repairs
Rabu, 17 September 2008
Feel Like Royalty, Rent and Drive a Bentley in Las Vegas

The lure of Las Vegas is universal. Movie actors and actresses, big time business tycoons, and even royalty are drawn to the city's promise of fun and excitement. There, they can opt to spend fortuneson gaming tables, the most beautiful suites, or the most exciting shows. But most of us only go to Vegas with just enough money for a couple of nights of fun and relaxation. We don't spend money equivalent to our mortgage payments on a night at the Strip. So what should we do to make our vacation at the Sin City a memorable and exciting one?.
Aside from choosing the right hotel, going to the best shows, or spending money at the casinos, the Las Vegas experience also includes driving around the city and drinking in the sights in the car of your choice. There's no problem in this, being that Vegas is a big city that offers limitless options when it comes to renting a car. You can choose an exotic car, a luxury car, a sports car ,or a classic car to rent for you and your companions. However, if you really want to make your experience memorable, then drive a car that royalty drive and feel like a royalty yourself. Drive a Bentley.
Bentley Motors Limited is a company that manufactures luxury vehicles, most of those have become classic cars over the years. Most Bentley cars have figured prominently in media, such as in James Bond novels and even the famous The Avengers television shows.
But Bentley's highest honor comes with the fact that it is a Royal Warrant Holder given by the British Royal Family. This means that Bentley exclusively supplies the Royal Family's cars and that Bentley has the right to advertise this information. In fact, as recently as 2002, Bentley was commissioned to build Queen Elizabeth II's state car, or the car she uses for official purposes, which is called the Bentley State Limousine.
What better way to cruise Las Vegas but in a car that has the stamp of royalty in it? There are hundreds of rental car companies in Las Vegas that would provide you with a number of options when it comes to Bentley cars, may it be classic, exotic, luxury or sports. The fact that the Bentley company has the approval of one of the most powerful royal families in the world is a testament to the company's excellent craftsmanship when it comes to producing elegant, dependable cars.
So when in Las Vegas, make sure to drop by car rental companies. Look at their selection of classic, exotic, luxury, or sports cars. If your taste veers towards the more sophisticated, a car that would give you the feeling of refinement and taste while cruising down Vegas' streets, then the choice is obvious. A Bentley is the car for you.
Related Post:
+ 21 Classic Pontiac
+ 2008 BMW 650i Pros and Cons
+ 5 Best Rated Car in 2007
Featured Links:
+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
+ Malaysia Real Estate Blog
+ GeekMalaya - Malaysia Computer and Technology Blog
Las Vegas Exotic Car Rentals : From 1928 to 2008 we have the LARGEST selection of Exotic, Classic and Luxury Rental Cars on the Strip! From Auburns to Packards, Voyager Classics Car Rentals has the largest selection of classics available for rent anywhere in Las Vegas.
Rabu, 10 September 2008
Mahindra Pickup - USA Debut For 2009 Planned

If you haven't heard of Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) yet, the Indian automaker, you aren't alone. Founded in 1945, the company's main market is India but the automaker does export some of its vehicles to western Europe, Russia, South Africa, and Malaysia. However, the company now has its eye on the lucrative US market, with plans to ship its cutting edge Mahindra Scorpio pickup truck to America beginning in 2009.
Will the company follow through on its plans and how will consumers react to an Indian made truck? That remains to be seen, but the seeds have already been planted. Please read on for more information about this interesting car company.
Mahindra sees a big hole in the small truck segment, one that the company intends to fill. Sure, the Ford Ranger, Toyota Tacoma, and the Chevy Colorado are among the many small trucks available for sale in the US, but Mahindra has something in mind that no other truck offers: at least one version of its Mahindra Appalachian pick up will be a diesel-electric hybrid, an unusual, but potentially highly beneficial truck that the company believes will be warmly received.
Sporting a 2.2L diesel, the standard Appalachian should deliver 30-35 mpg, which is much higher than the class leading 26 mpg for the base Ranger, but the hybrid model would likely top 40 mpg for a truck expected to cost under $25,000.
At present, Mahindra still needs to make sure that that the Appalachian passes stringent US emissions and safety requirements before the truck can go on sale. In addition, a dealer network has to be set up something that could delay the truck's debut unless the company turns to its existing Mahindra Tractor dealerships to sell the truck, a network already in place across the US. In that case, Mahindra would have a ready made pool of dealers available who are already selling Mahindra products to the same customers who the company thinks would purchase the Appalachian: farmers.
We don't yet know much about the Appalachian other than to say it could be a real game changer for the pick up truck market. Though diesel fuel is about seventy-five cents higher than regular gasoline, it is about 30% more fuel efficient. Choose a hybrid and that difference will boost fuel economy by at least 50%, something many American farmers would likely embrace.
Quality is one concern that could scuttle the Mahindra, but the good money is on Mahindra to get that right before the truck's debut.
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+ Trucks Tool Boxes
+ 2008 Chevrolet Avalanche
+ Ford F150 Pickup Trucks
+ Top 5 Trucks for Gas Mileage
+ 2008 Chevrolet Colorado Review
Featured Links:
+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
+ Malaysia Real Estate Blog
+ GeekMalaya - Malaysia Computer and Technology Blog
Matthew C. Keegan is the owner of a successful writing and marketing business based in North Carolina, USA. He manages several websites and is a contributing writer for Andy's Auto Sport, a retailer of quality GMC Sonoma body kits and GMC Sonoma headlights.
5 Steps to Buying a Big Rig

When you decide to buy a truck there are some simple steps you can take to be sure you get the best bang for your buck. If you go into a truck purchase blindly, you are likely to pay too much and get much less than you hoped for.
1. Shop Around.
Truck dealers can only advertise in their own region. A truck dealership in Ohio is not allowed to advertise in California. But dealerships are allowed to sell trucks to customers in other regions if the customer contacts them. As you travel, grab some truck papers from different regions of the country and consider contacting dealers that are far from you. If you already know what make of truck you want, call around to dealers around the country.
2. Compare Apples to Apples.
If you are going to be ordering a new truck, ask for a price quote along with the specifications- this will be about 10 pages long. Compare the spec sheets from different dealers line for line. You may find that a salesman who gives you a lower price quote also skimped out on some of the options without mentioning that to you. If you find that a salesman's quote has inferior specs, tell them which ones you want changed and have them resend the specs and quote. ALWAYS read through the specs line by line- don't trust anything verbal. You may have to pay a chunk of change to receive the faxes from all these dealers, but at least you'll know you're comparing prices, not options.
3. Prioritize
If you are shopping for a used truck, it's unlikely that you will be able to find two trucks that are exactly alike. You won't be able to compare apples to apples like you would if you were buying a new truck. Make a list of the specifications that are most important to you. What make and model are you looking for? How old and roughly how many miles? What engine do you want? What transmission? What rears? Once you nail down those requirements, you may have to compromise on some of the options. Power windows, gauge packages, color. Most options can be changed if they are not to your liking. The things that matter most are the things that are permanent, but you will want to consider the less important options once you have narrowed it down to a few trucks.
4. Get a loan from your own bank.
If you have the dealership set up financing, they are likely to add "points" to your interest rate. There is nothing unethical about this- you are, after all, using their resources to secure financing and they should be compensated for the work their employees do. But you need to decide if you are willing to pay the difference over the life of the loan. The bank may give you a 10% interest rate, but the dealer sets it up for 12% and will pocket the difference with each payment you make. Generally, the dealer will not disclose this information. However, you need to be aware that you may be able to secure a lower interest rate on your own. Consider- a difference of 3% will save you hundreds of dollars each month. It's worth it to do the extra legwork on your own.
5. Make sure you can afford the truck.
There are a lot of owner-operator contracts out there. There are many more mediocre owner-operator contracts than there are lucrative ones. Before you take on the risks involved with owning a truck, make sure you have a contract that can pay for it. Will you be pouring every dime you make back into the truck? Calculate the costs of fuel and maintenance and taxes. If you are a company driver, spend a few months putting your records on paper. Look at the bottom line- what will you have left after all your expenses? If you are not yet a driver, you will want to spend a couple of years driving a truck as a company driver before you decide to buy a truck on your own. Don't buy the lie that owner-operators with rates twice as high as company drivers are making twice as much. They may not even be making the same amount once you figure in all the expenses.
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+ Beginner's Guide to Truck Performance 101
+ Top Trucks and SUV accessories
+ How to Understand Trucker Talk
+ Shopping Online for Truck Parts
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+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
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Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008
Your Choice in Transmissions Could Save You Gasoline
Yes, you'll pay more for the larger models, but your pain at the pump will, in some cases, be slightly less than that tiny lightweight you have your eye on. The difference? It is all in the gears - transmission gears, that is. Let's take a look at a pair of models from different manufacturers to find what sets these cars apart besides their size......
Kia Spectra vs. Chevrolet Malibu
Chevrolet Malibu Picture

Kia Spectra Picture

For the record, the Kia Spectra is made in South Korea by the Hyundai Kia Automotive Group and is imported to the US while the Chevrolet Malibu is built in America. The Spectra is a compact car, the Malibu is classified as a midsize; both have enough seat belts to carry five passengers.
Base engine for the Spectra is a 2.0L I4 paired with a five-speed manual transmission while a four-speed automatic transmission is offered optionally. The standard engine for the Malibu is a 2.4L I4 that is paired with a six-speed automatic transmission. Though the Spectra gets 24 mpg city and the Malibu 22 mpg city, the Malibu has a highway edge of 33-32. Interestingly, the standard manual transmission engine combination results in 30 mpg on the highway for the Spectra.
Extra Gears, Better Fuel Economy
What makes the difference between the two models? The two extra gears in the Malibu is what does it. Earlier models had a four speed manual which delivered 30 mpg, but with the six-speed now included, Chevrolet drivers can get ten percent better fuel economy than before.
Having extra gears means the transmission can operate at lower ratios which means that less fuel is used. For people who do a lot of highway driving, the Malibu wins out in fuel economy, besides being a larger, roomier car for long trips. This doesn't mean that the Spectra isn't a capable car, but it does contradict a certain maxim - smaller cars are always more fuel efficient. Instead, the maxim should be that cars with the newest technologies, particular those with modern transmissions of at least six gears could be the most fuel efficient vehicles available.
Technology You'll Pay For
Most certainly the Spectra and the Malibu are designed for different drivers so my comparison does not include price or prestige, but it does indicate that car shoppers should look very closely at what they are getting: the bigger car could offer the best combination of ride and fuel economy for you and your family - you just have to ask yourself if you are willing to pay for these enhancements.
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Copyright 2008-2012 - Matthew C. Keegan is the owner of a successful writing and marketing business based in North Carolina, USA. He manages several websites and is a contributing writer for Andy's Auto Sport, a quality retailer of aftermarket automotive parts including automotive body kits.
Your Choice in Transmissions Could Save You Gasoline
Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008
Beginner's Guide to Car Audio Installation - DIY

Speaker Positioning
Speaker installation is very critical for performance. Whether you spent $1000 or $10,000 on a set of speakers, if they are not properly installed, they would not sound as they should. Even though it may seem that the best position for most speakers are in the stock housing's that came with the car e.g. on the door panel near your feet, this is just not so. You would see why such positions are still used however along with alternative solutions such as center channels for 5.1 Dolby, LCD screen, in-dash DVD players. There are many factors that need to be considered in placing the speakers in the correct position.
The first thing to consider is distance. If the left speaker is only a couple feet away from your ears, while the right speaker is several feet away from you, then the sound will arrive at different times giving you poor sound. Since the left speaker is closer, it sounds louder. The best solution is to figure out a location where the difference between the distance of the right speaker to your ears and left speaker (also known as path length difference), are minimal. This is where kick panels become the preferred location......
Multiple Speaker Placement
If you have a system with two or more speakers per side, you need to try out different locations to obtain the best possible sound in your car. If you have a 2-way system with a tweeter and sub per side. The subs are mounted in the stock location at the bottom of the door. The tweeters are mounted high up on the front corner of the door panel. From the driver's seat, you can see that there are 4 speakers all aimed towards different orientations and all at a different distance to your ears. This interaction of sound waves at different frequencies arriving at your ears at different times seldom sounds good. The best thing to do is to position the woofer and tweeter on each side as close as possible to each other. This is also why kick panels are used so much these days. Professional installers do use some tricks such as inverting the tweeters' polarity when mounted for example on top of the dash while the woofers are low. Achieving good sound with unconventional mounting schemes is very, very hard and is only achieved after plenty of time has been spent trying different configurations.

Our ears can distinguish the direction of sound more easily at higher frequencies. This means that aiming the mids, and most importantly, tweeters towards your ears play a critical role in sound imaging. Midbases are not so critical, but should be also aimed towards the listener's ears if possible. To figure out the best aiming angle involves many hours -even days- of work. To start, try to aim the speakers towards the center of the car. Play around with different angles until you obtain the best sounding position. Subwoofers should be mounted up front for best sound. Since this is not possible in most cars, mounting subs in the back is not such a bad thing, since most people can't distinguish where bass comes from. If you have good midbases going down to 60 Hz or less and subs picking up the signal below 60 Hz, then the bass will seem to come from the front.
Subwoofers need a properly designed enclosure to give top performance. Midbases and mids also do sound much better if they are installed in enclosures. The best sounding and easier to build enclosure type for midbases and mids is sealed.

Mounting Speakers
If you are using speakers that fit into the stock location, make sure there are no spaces or holes. Sometimes building a wood or fiberglass baffle helps reduce holes and gives you much better sound. Always be careful when using power tools around speakers. Holes in speakers usually are not covered by the warranty. For unconventional speaker locations, sometimes metal has to be cut. If you have the resources, plasma cutters and pneumatics tools work great. For most of us that do not have these tools, a pair of metal snips (left and right cut) will do the job.
Take your time to plan your system and don't just buy brand and product for the sake of popularity. Sometimes the simplest system is the most effective.
Photo: 1,
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Beginner's Guide to Car Audio Installation - DIY
Basics of Car Audio

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: What is car audio? Car audio is how we describe the sound system fitted in an car.
A regular car audio system refers to a manufacturer installed system. A custom car installation can involve anything from the upgrade of the radio to a total custom fit-out. Events are held where people compete for the loudest or most innovative systems.
The most common pieces of equipment are the radio/tape player/CD player/DVD Player called a Head unit, or a head deck. These components are likely to be upgraded with an after market product. Head unit technology has developed to include CD players with MP3, Ogg, WMA, AAC, and USB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi support. Car audio systems can have line-in jacks and other equipment features like tape adaptors, and video touch screen that controlling; navigation, dvd movies, mp3 players, back up cameras, and other accessories......
Most modern cars have a CD player/ CD recorder, and and optional CD changer, which holds several CD's. Now the manufactures are offering DVD players and LCD screens. LCD screens are located and integrated into things that slide out and folds up, or the instrument panel and the DVD head unit. The screen might show video output for a navigation system, 3G cell phone or parking cameras.
Speakers are located in doors and rear shelves of a cars. High-end stereo systems often have speakers mounted in kick panels, to accommodate larger drivers and better controller placement. Before stereo radio was introduced, the most common speaker location was in the middle of the dashboard. High-end systems will have Component Speakers that have balanced tweeter, mid-range, and woofer settings. They are available in two speaker and three speaker combinations, and include an audio crossover to limit frequency ranges that the speakers must handle. This allows each cone to produce optimal frequency for maximum sound quality and volume. In addition subwoofers are provided for bass and sub bass, the lower the frequency the less the ear picks it up, but the vibration is more pronounced. Sub bass is omni-directional, meaning that the ear can't figure out where the sound is coming from.
Amplifiers make power to drive the speakers. The amplifier is a very important component of a speaker system. It makes sure that the total power handling capacity of the speakers is adhered to. Amplifiers commonly come in two,four or six channels. Subwoofer amplifiers are mostly Mono Amplifiers. It is common that multiple channels are marked for the exclusive use in allowing for more than one channel to be used.
Capacitors are used to store energy for the amplifier. Capacitors are useful because they can reduce voltage loss to other components in a car. Large capacitors sometimes offset headlight and/or interior light dimming because of too little amp draw from the alternator. A capacitor is only good for an audio system trying to get too many amps from the electrical system. A capacitor doesn't provide more power, it just stores it. The alternator must have more than 20% amp power than the entire vehicle and sound system combined for a capacitor to be of benefit. About 0.5 farad of capacitance is needed for every 500 watts of power. A capacitor does not affect sound in any way. It is strictly for power conditioning.
Photo: 1
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Need more information about Car Audio? Visit Kevin Vida's blog at http://caraudiostuff.blogspot.com/
Basics of Car Audio
Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008
The Secrets To Protecting Yourself After You Have A Car Accident
1. Before you have an accident, keep an emergency kit in your glove compartment. Drivers should carry a cell phone,as well as a pen and paper for taking notes, a disposable camera to take photos of the vehicles at the scene, and a card with information about medical allergies or conditions that may require special attention if there are serious injuries. A set of cones, warning triangles or emergency flares should be kept in the trunk.
2. If you have an accident: Stop. Do not drive away from the scene! You can be charged with "hit and run" even if the accident wasn't your fault if it involves a pedestrian, a moving car, or even a parked car or someone's property......
3. Move vehicles to safety. Make every effort to prevent further accidents. You may be liable for damages to approaching vehicles unless they are properly warned. Do not move your car too far. Make sure to turn on hazard lights and set out cones, flares or warning triangles, if possible. If your car can't be driven, have the emergency responders call a tow truck. Get the name, address and telephone number of the towing company and, if you can, find out where it is taking your car.
4. Move people to safety. Check for injuries. Everyone who can walk should move to safety.
5. Call for help. As soon as you can get to a telephone, call 911. Explain the situation and give the exact location of the accident, so that help can arrive quickly. Be sure to mention whether you need an ambulance or a fire engine. Don't hang up until the operator tells you it is okay to.
6. Cooperate with the authorities. In New York State if you are involved in a vehicle accident causing injury to person or property, you are required to stop and give your name, address, and show your driver's license and insurance identification card to the person who is injured or whose property is damaged, or to a police officer. If such information isn't available at the scene of the accident, it must be given to the nearest police station or judicial officer as soon as possible. Be sure to cooperate with the police officer investigating the case. But,stick to the facts. For instance, if you were driving 30 miles an hour, say so. Do not say, "I wasn't speeding."
7. Tell the police the truth. Follow police instructions carefully. Note the officer's name and precinct number, command, or barracks. Ask how you can get a copy of the police accident report.
8. But don't admit fault. Do not volunteer any information about who was to blame for the accident. You may think you are in the wrong and then learn that the other driver is as much or more to blame than you are. You should first talk to your insurance agent, your lawyer, or both. Anything you say to the police or the other driver can be used against you later. Do not agree to pay for damages or sign any paper except a traffic ticket until you check with your insurance company or lawyer.
9. Document what happened. Make a note of the details of the accident, including date and time, road conditions, weather conditions and speed of all other cars involved. It also is a good idea to draw a diagram of the accident showing the position and direction of the cars justprior to and after the accident: make a written description of each car, including year, make, model and color and the exact location of the collision and how it happened.
10. Take photographs. Use your camera to document the damage to all the vehicles. (Use a cell phone's camera if you have nothing else.) Keep in mind that you want your photos to show the overall context of the accident. Take your own photographs even if the police take photographs or you believe that your mechanic or insurance company will take them.
(a) any broken parts, inside or outside the vehicle such as dashboard, windshield, seat, broken glass or lenses, bumper that fell off, etc.;
(b) vehicle license plates;
(c) skid marks;
(d) street signs; and,
(e) injuries to persons involved in the accident.
Take the photos from different angles and positions. Take more photographs than you think you'll need. ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE WATCH FOR TRAFFIC.
11. Exchange information. Exchange the following information after the accident: name, address, phone number, insurance company, policy number, driver license number and license plate number for the driver and the owner of each vehicle. If the driver's name is different from the name of the insured, take down the name and address for each individual. If possible, obtain the names of the insurance companies and the policy numbers covering the other autos in the accident. In New York State, it's the law to carry an insurance policy information card in every vehicle. These cards can be your source for such information.
12. Get witness information. If there are witnesses, try to get their names, addresses and telephone numbers; they may be able to help you if the other drivers dispute your version of what happened. Request that they talk to the police before leaving. If they refuse to identify themselves, jot down the license plate numbers of their automobiles. Do not discuss the accident with the witnesses. Do not give their names to anyone but the police, your attorney or your insurance company.
13. Report to your insurance company. Remember to call your insurance company or insurance broker immediately after the accident. Don't forget to send written notice to your insurance company as soon as possible. The notice should include the time, place and circumstances of the accident. If you fail to notify your insurance company of the accident in writing within a reasonable time, this could be grounds for the company's denying any obligation to protect your interests in the event a claim is made against you. Also, make sure your report contains the names of all injured persons and drivers and the names of all available witnesses.
14. Report to Albany. The law requires that the operator of a vehicle involved in an accident in New York State in which a person is killed or injured or one in which damage to the property of any person, in a written report with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles within 10 days. If the operator is unable to make such a report, another participant must make it. Remember to keep copies for your records. This report form, known as an MV-104, may be obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles or its website (over the Internet). Often, your insurance company, insurance broker or attorney can send you the form.
15. Call an attorney. Consult an attorney who is experienced in accident cases if you or a loved one is hurt. Ask lots of questions.
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For more information about New York car accidents and personal injury request Gary Rosenberg's FREE book: Warning! Things That Can Destroy Your CarAccident Case (And the Insurance Companies Already Know These Things), at http://www.GreatLegalBooks.com . For more information and FREE reports, visit my website, http://www.GaryRosenberg-Law.com.
The Secrets To Protecting Yourself After You Have A Car Accident
Edge On Motorcycling- The BMW HP2 Sport

The BMW HP2 Sport is the latest iteration of the Bavarian Motor Company's foray into producing performance driven motorcycles. The quiet, staid, and lets just admit it boring motorcycles that came out of BMW in years past is history.
The HP line is BMW's new high performance, cutting edge line up. It's the motorcycle equivalent of their M line of performance cars.
The HP2 Sport is the third motorcycle in the HP line following the releases of the HP2 Enduro and the HP2 Megamoto......

The HP-2 Sport is based on the R1200S but is out and out designed for sports riders who are looking for a machine that has performance as well as endurance.
The HP2 Sport keeps some of the concepts that BMW motorcycles have become known for such as the BMW Motorrad Telelever front suspension and the EVO Paralever rear suspension. Other components have been newly developed or highly modified for use in the motorcycle.
The HP-2 Sport is powered by a twin Boxer motor that has a capacity of 1170 cc. The engine's cylinder heads were completely redesigned which allows the engine to rev as high as 9500 rpm. The engine has a 101 mm bore and a 73 mm stroke and produces a maximum of 130 hp at 8,750 rpm and 85 lb-ft of torque at 6,000 rpm.
The bike has a close ratio six speed gear box, with first and second gear having higher ratios. This puts the gear increments closer to each other and results in less of a rev drop when progressing up through the gears.
The bike also has a gear shift assistant which allows the rider to shift gears without using the clutch. It works by sensing when the gear lever is activated. If it senses gear lever activation without the use of the clutch, it electronically reduces power to the engine which puts the engine in a low load state and makes it possible to shift without the clutch. If the rider uses the clutch, the system becomes inactive.
The riding position of the HP-2 sport can be described as relaxed. BMW has extensive experience with endurance racing and knows that for racers to be fast over a long period staying power is more important than a full racer's tuck.
The dashboard was developed by 2D Systems, which also provides analytic recording systems to Moto GP racing.
The dashboard has two modes and is switched by two controls on the left handlebar. In road mode, typical information such as speed, rpm, time, and distance are displayed. In race mode data such as top speed, circuit times, number of gearshifts and rpm is shown.
The HP2 Sport will push BMW further into the world of performance motorcycling.
Photo Credit: 1
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Come to http://www.EdgeOnMotorcycling.com for a free guide on the fun, adventure and excitement that motorcycling offers. In addition hear interviews with people throughout the industry and get information that will make you a safer, more capable, more confident rider.

Edge On Motorcycling- The BMW HP2 Sport
Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008
21 Classic Pontiacs
6000 - Full sized [or almost] front wheel drive sedan of the 1980s.
Aztec - Ugly is as ugly does. This crossover vehicle ashamed the Pontiac fleet for two years during the early 00s.
Bonneville - Full sized Pontiac sedan excitement retired in 2005 after more than 40 years of service. Part of GM's massive restructuring and retiring of top model names.
Catalina - This model hearkens back to the mid 60s when two door hard tops ruled the day. Discontinued during the late 70s during GM's "down sizing" shell game days.
Fiero - Mid-engine sport two-seater built for Pontiac during the go-go 80s. GM reached into their parts bin and took out Chevette and other components to create this little roadster......
Firebird - It goes without saying that this "pony" car is sorely missed. The good news is that it may be back by the time the 2009 model year rolls around.
Firefly - Twin to the Geo Metro, the Firefly was Pontiac's 3 cylinder captive import of the late eighties to mid nineties.
G6 - Current compact model in Pontiac's arsenal available in rakish coupe or sporty sedan.
Grand Am - With its 1973 debut, the Grand Am quickly became the division's mid-range performance car. Retired in 2005 with a host of other Pontiac model names.
Grand Prix - Hidden tail lights and a concave rear window marked the Grand Prix's 1963 debut. The car has survived GM's model name shake out and today's car is a mid-sized, front wheel drive sports sedan.
GTO - Introduced in 1967, the GTO was a true coupe turned sports car. Eliminated in the 1970s, the GTO is back thanks to GM's Australian division, Holden. Rear wheel drive and a big V8 too.
LeMans - Originally a Tempest model, the LeMans became its own model once the Tempest name was retired in the 1970s. Retired in the mid 1990s after a cheap Korean car was allowed to carry its name. Sheesh!
Montana - A minivan for Pontiac, if not for the ages.
Parisienne - During the 1980s Pontiac needed a version of the Chevrolet Caprice. This full sized, rear wheel drive sedan filled the bill.
Phoenix - Part of GM's "X cars" of compact import fighting vehicles introduced during 1979 as a 1980 model.
Sunbird - Nothing but a rebadged Chevy Cavalier.
Sunfire - Compact coupe retired in 2005 as part of, you guessed, GM's model restructuring.
Sunrunner - Nothing but a rebadged Geo/Chevy Tracker.
Tempest - From the early sixties until the early seventies, the term "muscle car" befit this hot coupe. Especially nice as a convertible!

Trans Sport - Hideous looking minivan that debuted in the early 1990s. Mercifully replaced years later by the Montana.
Vibe - A currently produced compact five door sport wagon; cousin to the Toyota Matrix.
So, there you have it. At least another half dozen models were left out from this time period plus many models that dated back to the division's founding as part of the Oakland Automobile Company in 1926. Pontiac excitement...have you caught it yet?
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21 Classic Pontiacs
Kamis, 17 Juli 2008
Does Your 2007 Harley Davidson Run Hot? - Here's the Cure
That question must have been asked 10k times or more since the 2007 model line of Harley Davidsons were introduced. The mystery of the hot running 2007 models grew to almost a cult like issue on the Harley boards and Harley forums around the internet. Owners who didn't realize they had a hot running Harley Davidson suddenly agonized over the "problem" and demanded answers.

Being the owner of a 2007 FXSTB Nightrain I was obviously interested in the answer to the question. My bike didn't seem to run all that hot....I wondered aloud if some of these guys realized their motorcycles were air cooled and that they WILL run hot. I also questioned how many were first time riders and simply didn't realize that a hot engine 6 inches from your legs is going to produce heat. I am sure a number of new owners or riders succumbed to the phenomenon of the hot running 2007. They jumped on the bandwagon as so many people often do, but then I am positive of others that actually did experience a hot running Harley Davidson motorcycle......
Friends of mine that I am positive know what they are talking about were experiencing the hot running 2007 issue so it wasn't that the issue was non existent, I just think it might have been blown out of proportion. I decided to get to the bottom of the issue and see what I could find out about the problem. After a few days of digging around and talking to people in the know, I think it was clear what was the culprit.
Lean and Mean
After a lot of discussion and research it turns out that the new 96 cu inch Harley Davidson engine had to be tuned extremely lean in order to get it to meet government emissions requirements. The stock factory tune was set very lean by design, and as you know, a lean engine will run much hotter than a well tuned or even rich engine. Different riders reacted differently to the hot running condition as some didn't even notice and others it was enough of a problem that they wanted to trade their motorcycles in for a different year.
I also noticed a trend that it seemed to be the bagger crowd complaining the most vocally and the most frequently. I don't know if it is because the bagger crowd tends to be older and more demanding or if the models were more susceptible to the hot running condition. I think probably a little bit of both actually. If you take a look at the front end of some of the bagger models, the fairings restrict air flow across the engine dramatically compared to the more open models. So regardless of this issue, the lean condition seemed to be the culprit.

The Fix
The fix is rather simple.
Most riders that I was in contact with reported that a Stage 1 upgrade resolved the issue. A decent set of pipes combined with either a Stage 1 download or a fuel control system like a Power Commander or something similar cured the lean condition. They not only reported a much better running motorcycle but a much cooler running motorcycle. The addition of the pipes likely made for a much better looking and sounding motorcycle as well.
The Stage 1 kit will bring your motorcycle back down to a more normal heat range, at least normal for an air cooled Harley Davidson. The reflash will make for a richer mixture which will lower the operating temperature and make your Harley Davidson a much more enjoyable machine to ride.
Photo Credit: 1
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If you want to check out a pretty cool selection of Harley Pipes or read more about Harley Exhaust then feel free to check us out. We not only write about Harley Davidson's, but we ride them too.