Size is not the only challenge with the use of electric vehicle batteries. With our existing technology, with size comes weight and this further complicates electric vehicle efficiency. Having a car full of batteries leaves little room for people, additional payloads and everyday shopping items. We’re already used to golf carts; now we’re seeing the two seater electric vehicles coming into its own in urban areas. We haven’t solved all the problems yet, but the process has finally begun – people are now considering driving electric vehicles, battery issues aside. Alternative lifestyle isn’t just for hippies anymore.
People are changing their opinions, with growing concern about environmental impact, economic sustainability and the rising cost of dependence on oil-based fuels. All these factors are playing their part in what could become a great national transformation. Hybrids are bridging the gap while an old industry reinvents itself. Eventually the electric vehicle battery issues will resolve themselves. Meanwhile, take a quiet stroll and think about what a quiet, peaceful ride in the fresh air would be like. You never know, we might even enjoy slowing down to stop and smell the roses.
Author: Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Hybrid Cars Blog. Click here for more helpful information about Hybrid Cars: http://www.hybridcarsinfoblog.com/electric-car-engine
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